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Wifi Available while Travelling. it can be Differenciated on Means of Transport you are Travelling.

Affordable hotels

Hotels are Posh and with all Facilities. If you want to stay in Nature Camp then you have to Specify while Booking.

Food and Beverages

Food and Beverages are available on your seat itself just one click away.

Safety guide

Covid Precautions are taken very seriously. We check Temperature every 8Hrs and taking care of your safety is our main Priority.

Payment Method

From Normal Indian Curreny including (PhonePe/Paytm/UPI) to Crypto curreny every currency in acceptable.

Fastest travel

You can travel by whatsoever means you want (Bus/Train/Aeroplane). You will be Charged Accordingly.


We also have Adventure Camping Facility. Prefferd for People who want to spend their time in nature.

Smoking Ban

Smoking is ban to keep our customers away from allergies and Bad Odur.



Goa is a state in western India with coastlines stretching along the Arabian Sea.

₹5,999 ₹8,000
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Jammu and Kashmir

Jammu and Kashmir consists of three regions: Jammu, the Kashmir valley and. Ladakh.

₹7,999 ₹12,000
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Agra is a city on the banks of the Yamuna river in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

₹5,999 ₹10,000
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Mumbai Harbour waterfront stands the iconic Gateway of India stone arch.

₹3,999 ₹7,000
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Amritsar is a city in the northwestern Indian state of Punjab.

₹3,499 ₹7,000
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Gadisar lake at Jaisalmer Rajasthan at sunrise with ancient temples and archaeological ruins.

₹4,999 ₹9,000
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Hyderabad is the capital of southern India's Telangana state.

₹6,999 ₹9,000
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Pankaj Tripathi

There was full safety and full covid precautions too. Vacation important nahi hai inke safety se santusht hue ye impotant hai.

Guddu Pandit

अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ए ऐ ओ औ अं अः ऋ ॠ क ख ग घ ङ च छ ज झ ञ ट ठ ड ढ ण त थ द ध न प फ ब भ म य र ल व श ष स ह क्ष त्र ज्ञ. Good Travel Ok.

Mia Talerico

My mother doesn't speak english very well. she said me to convey this message that it was our Best Trip ever in India.

Baburao Ganpatrao Apte

Mast Maja aya 5 star le re baba tu.baki Mera Chashma Reh Gaya Courier kardena re Baba. Jai Maharashtra.